Engineering Design Technology, A.A.S.

Program Code

The Engineering Design Technology (EDT) degree path will augment students’ learning by coupling theory-based instruction with hands-on applications using current software. The EDT path software includes but is not limited to AutoCAD and three levels of SOLIDWORKS. This degree comprises courses that emphasize application in industry standards, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance (GD & T), and ANSI standards to produce a complete technical drawing packet. EDT students will obtain the skills will by taking classes in innovation design, formal engineering design process, advanced critical thinking, and project management. This path allows additive manufacturing options; 3D printing, Insight, Materialise, NetFabb, Generative Design, Geomagic Design X, and GOM inspect software.

Portfolio class offers students training in professionalism; instruction includes resume building, networking in an internet world, interviews, etc. All students produce an electronic website portfolio for marketing their skillset.

Graduates will be qualified to seek positions in the following fields:

Engineering Technician, 3D Designer, 3D Solid Modeler, Manufacturing Technician, Prototyping Technician, Production Technician, Reverse Engineering Technician, SOLIDWORKS Designer, Engineering Design, Electronics Engineering Technicians, Mechanical Engineering Technicians r CAD Technician, Project Managers, Industrial Design technician, Part Inspection Technician, Additive Manufacturing Technician, 3D Prototyper, 3D Printing Operator, 3D Printer Specialists Manufacturing Technician, CAD/3D Design Drafter, Detailer, Engineering Design Drafter, Engineering Drawing Checker, 3D Printer Sales, and Instructors.

*The Engineering path student should take ADM 108, ADM 112, and DDT 111 in their first semester.

* CHM 257 is required for your science. *Contact a faculty member during your first or second semester for a list of approved electives and a map for your course of study.


Item #
3 - 4
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