Visual Communications
Visual Communications 3D Modeling and Animation, A.A.S. -
Visual Communications Graphics and Digital Design, A.A.S. -
Visual Communications Multimedia Production Technology -
Visual Communications Multimedia Production Technology Short-Term Certificate
CAP 122: Storytelling and Previsualization Process/Project
This course introduces students to the storytelling and previsualization process. Topics include use of tools like script writing, narrative advancement, storyboarding, camera framing, and the importance of timing in storytelling. Upon completion, the student should be able to use these tools to prepare for the creation of an animated short feature, a live action short film, or a video game prototype.
Prerequisite: CAT 283 or RTV 119 or Permission of Instructor
CAP 123: CGI Shading, Lighting, and Rendering
This course introduces students to the mechanics of how various materials react to light in real life and in a CGI software. Topics include study of various shaders, lighting techniques and rendering parameters. Upon completion the student should be able to reproduce a common object surface and render it efficiently.
CAT 283: 3D Graphics and Animation
This course is designed to tap the imagination of the student in a three-dimensional problem solving environment. Topics include a basic introduction to the concepts of 3D design and animation as applied to a design project. Upon completion, students should be able to create and animate objects in a threedimensional environment.
RTV 119: Video Production I
This class provides demonstrations and practice regarding the basics of the video production process. The course introduces students to basic video production techniques and provides a basic overview of film and television theory and criticism. It provides a combination of theory and hands-on exercises in order for students to learn the equipment and techniques used in media production and editing. Basic shooting and editing techniques are introduced.
RTV 153: Practicum in Television/Video I
This course offers supervised campus experience in video/television broadcasting with emphasis in the planning, production and editing of electronic media, announcements and programs. Each semester this sequence of classes will focus on different aspects of the subject.
Permission of Instructor
RTV 154: Practicum in Television/Video II
This course offers supervised campus experience in video/television broadcasting with emphasis in the planning, production and editing of electronic media, announcements and programs. Each semester this sequence of classes will focus on different aspects of the subject.
Permission of Instructor
RTV 219: Video Production II
This class provides further demonstrations and practice regarding the video production process. Students are further introduced to basic video production techniques and the course provides an overview of film and television theory and criticism. It provides a combination of theory and hands-on exercises in order for students to learn the equipment and techniques used in media production. Advanced instruction in video production is provided through this hands-on, production-intensive course.
VCM 145: Introduction to Digital Photography
This course is an introduction to digital photography. Emphasis is placed on aesthetic as well as technical aspects of photography. Upon completion, the student should understand quality in photography and be able to apply the techniques necessary to produce professional photographs. This is a CORE course.
VCM 146: Digital Photography
This course explores various uses of digital photography. Subjects may include studio, portrait, landscape and other areas of photography. Upon completion, the student should be able to apply the techniques necessary to produce professional photographs of a variety of subjects.
VCM 145 or Permission of Instructor
VCM 150: Typography
This course is an introduction in using type in graphic design. Emphasis is on typographic techniques used in layout and graphic design. Upon completion, the student should be able to view type as a design element.
VCM 172: Digital Illustration I
Principles of creating and manipulating vector illustrations using current vector illustration software. Upon completion, the student should be able to produce professional vector illustrations from concept to production for diverse media.
VCM 180: Introduction to Graphic Design
This course is an introduction to the various elements of graphic design. Emphasis is on aspects of production design including layout, typography, graphic photography, computer graphics and printing techniques. Upon completion, students should have a basic understanding of the graphics process from concept through production.
VCM 232: Advanced Computer Graphics
This course is designed to acquaint the student with computer graphics. Topics include illustration and image manipulation. Upon completion, students should be able to apply design principles to computer graphics.
VCM 281: Digital Design
This course focuses on products for digital media. Emphasis is on creativity and an understanding of software and production. Upon completion, the student should be able to apply creative design and production skills to finished projects.
ART 221 or VCM 232 or Permission of instructor
VCM 282: Advanced Digital Design
This course focuses on advanced applications in the production of digital design. Emphasis is on computer skills, creativity & design. Upon course completion, students should be able to create a multimedia production.
ART 221 or VCM 232 or Permission of instructor
VCM 285: Multimedia Production
This course introduces the student to multimedia production. Emphasis is on production design, creativity, visual design, and technical skills. Upon course completion, students should be able to create a multimedia production.
VCM 286: Advanced Multimedia Production
This course focuses on advanced multimedia production. Emphasis is on comprehensive interactive multimedia production. Upon course completion, students should be able to apply creative design and production skills to finished interactive projects.
VCM 285 or Permission of instructor
VCM 291A: Visual Communications Co-operative Education
This course allows the student to apply knowledge and skills in a real-world workplace. Evaluation is based upon a well-developed portfolio, job-site visits by the instructor, the employer's evaluation of the student, and the development and assessment by the student of a learning contract.
Instructor Permission