Program Code

Program Director: Lynn S. Hogan, DNP, RN nursing@calhoun.edu 256-306-2794

Additional information on the nursing program website: www.calhoun.edu/health-sciences/nursing/


Individuals who practice nursing are service-oriented, intellectually mature, have a strong sense of self-direction and motivation, and are able to work and interact with people of all ages and from various backgrounds. Practical nurses (PN) provide direct patient care under the supervision of an RN, physician or dentist. Registered nurses (RN) assess the current health status of clients, plan care, administer treatments and medications, and provide education and emotional support for clients and their families. Nursing functions require communication skills, critical thinking, decision making, and sound judgment. Nurses work in hospitals, long term care facilities, home health care, physician offices, outpatient clinics and other settings, and play a vital role in the quality and effectiveness of health care. RNs may specialize in a variety of areas of patient care, and with additional education, have the opportunity to function in advance practice roles such as nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or nurse educator.


The practical nursing certificate and associate degree nursing programs at Calhoun Community College, offered on the Decatur and the Huntsville campuses, located in Tanner and Huntsville, Alabama are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000. www.acenursing.org The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the licensed practical nursing certificate and associate degree nursing program is continuing accreditation.


Upon graduation from a nursing program an individual will be eligible to apply to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN) or for Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) and apply to any state board of nursing for licensure as a practical or registered nurse. However, completion of an academic program does not assure an individual of licensure. Legal requirements for licensure may be found in the Alabama Board of Nursing (ABN) Administrative Code (www.abn.state. al.us) and include being of good moral character. Applicants who have been found guilty of offenses listed in the Code may be denied licensure by the ABN or other state board of nursing. Offenses may include but are not limited to: fraud or deceit in attempting to procure a licensure; a felony conviction, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or gross immorality; being unfit or incompetent due to the use of alcohol, or addiction to habit forming drugs; conviction of a violation of federal or state law relating to controlled substances; mental incompetence.


Licensed practical nursing and paramedic students are enrolled in the bridge to ADN program once a year to begin evening classes in the spring semester. Applicants must minimally:

1. Meet all nursing admission requirements for ADN program

2. Have completed all prerequisite general education coursework with a grade of “C” or better

3. Possess an unencumbered/unrestricted license as a Practical Nurse or Paramedic in Alabama. An active unencumbered LPN MSL with privileges in Alabama is also accepted.


Students enrolled in nursing programs are required to successfully complete both academic and clinical requirements. The purpose of the Nursing Eligibility Criteria, found on the Nursing webpage, is to delineate the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills deemed minimally necessary for admission, progression, and graduation, and for the provision of safe and effective client care. Safety is paramount in all health programs. The College endorses the Americans’ with Disabilities Act. If a student cannot meet the Eligibility Criteria it is their responsibility to request appropriate reasonable accommodations through the Student Disability Services Office.


· Retain reliable transportation to and from the campus and assigned clinical education facilities.

· Comply with a dress code that includes an assigned uniform

· Undergo a health examination, TB screening, and validate immunity to infectious diseases

· Submit proof of current certification in basic life support at the healthcare provider level

· Purchase low-cost malpractice insurance through the CCC health sciences division

· Submit to a background check by a designated vendor

· Undergo drug and alcohol testing by a designated vendor

In the interest of the patients they will serve, every health science student is obligated to complete the above requirements. Policies for the background check and drug testing are provided upon enrollment. Results may prohibit a student from participating in clinical education and necessitate withdrawal or course failure.


In addition to tuition, health students will have expenses related to the listed requirements, books, and associated supplies. Approximated costs are discussed in information sessions and program orientation.


Additional nursing programs information including policies on application, readmission, and transfer students are available on the NUR webpage or by contacting the program director. The curriculum plan and policies of the nursing programs are subject to change. Written notice will be given to students enrolled in the program prior to implementation.


Item #
Sub-Total Credits

First Term

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Sub-Total Credits

Second Term

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Sub-Total Credits

Third Term

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Total Credits