Criminal Justice



CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course surveys the entire criminal justice process from law enforcement to the administration of justice through corrections. It discusses the history and philosophy of the system and introduces various career opportunities.

CRJ 110: Introduction to Law Enforcement

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course examines the history and philosophy of law enforcement, as well as the organization and jurisdiction of local, state, and federal agencies. It includes the duties and functions of law enforcement officers.

CRJ 140: Criminal Law and Procedure

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course examines both substantive and procedural law. The legal elements of various crimes are discussed, with emphasis placed on the contents of the Alabama Code. Areas of criminal procedure essential to the criminal justice profession are covered.

CRJ 146: Criminal Evidence

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course considers the origins of the law of evidence and current rules of evidence. Types of evidence, their definitions and uses are covered, as well as the functions of the court regarding evidence.

CRJ 157: Community Based Corrections

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course examines various forms of community corrections and alternative sentences. Probation, parole, halfway houses, work release, community service, electronic monitoring and camps are among the programs considered.

CRJ 160: Introduction to Security

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course surveys the operation, organization and problems in providing safety and security to business enterprises. Private, retail and industrial security are covered. CRJ 166 PRIVATE AND RETAIL SECURITY (3T) 3 credits This course surveys the legal foundations, regulations, training, and other issues in private security. Typical offenses, laws, and law enforcement strategies common in the field are covered. Methods of loss prevention are examined.

CRJ 166: Private and Retail Security

Credits 3

This course surveys the legal foundations, regulations, training, and other issues in private security. Typical offenses, laws, and law enforcement strategies common in the field are covered. Methods of loss prevention are examined. 

CRJ 167: Industrial Security

Credits 3

This course analyzes the security requirements for public or private industrial and commercial facilities. Physical security, loss prevention, and classified operations are included.

CRJ 167: Industrial Security

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course analyzes the security requirements for public or private industrial and commercial facilities. Physical security, loss prevention, and classified operations are included.

CRJ 168: International Security

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course provides an understanding of the security implications of international programs, commercial sales, the interrelationship of the information disclosure and technology transfer, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and the Export Administration Regulations.

CRJ 208: Introduction to Criminology

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course delves into the nature and extent of crime in the United States as well as criminal delinquent behavior and theories of causation. The study includes criminal personalities, principles of prevention, control and treatment.

CRJ 209: Juvenile Delinquency

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course examines the causes of delinquency. It also reviews programs of prevention and control of juvenile delinquency as well as the role of the courts.

CRJ 220: Criminal Investigation

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course explores the theory and scope of criminal investigation. The duties and responsibilities of the investigator are included. The techniques and strategies used in investigation are emphasized.

CRJ 226: Fingerprint Science

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course involves the history, classification, and current procedures of handling latent fingerprints. Latent print examination, filing, and courtroom presentations are considered.

CRJ 227: Homicide Investigation

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course covers the principles, techniques and strategies of homicide investigation. Topics emphasized include ballistics, pathology, toxicology, immunology, jurisprudence, and psychiatry.

CRJ 230: Criminalistics

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course surveys the different techniques of scientific investigation. Emphasis is given to ballistics, photography, fingerprints, DNA, trace evidence, body fluids, casts and the like.

CRJ 237: Forensic Photography

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course analyzes the principles, techniques, and uses of forensic photography in criminal investigation. Emphasis is placed on basic camera operation and mechanics, crime scene photography, and rules of photographic evidence.

CRJ 238: Crime Scene Investigation

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course examines the fundamentals of crime scene investigation. Measuring and sketching the scene, photography, evidence collection and preservation, and courtroom procedures are considered.

CRJ 256: Correctional Rehabilitation

Credits 3
Theory Credit

This course surveys the different methods used in the rehabilitation of public offenders. Topics include individual and group counseling, education, recreation, religion, drug treatment, and vocational programs.

CRJ 280: Internship in Criminal Justice

Credits 1 3
Theory Credit

This course involves practical experience with a criminal justice agency under faculty supervision. Permission of the instructor is required. This course may be repeated with the approval of the department head.


Permission of instructor